Crossroads of Liberty

This is a Year 9 RVE game designed for in-class use.

Students play characters from the time of Jesus and move around the Holy Land, answering questions about Christianity. Year 9s find this a really engaging way to learn about the early Christian movement.

(PDF password is my last name)

Here are the rules of the game. I print double-sided A4 colour and laminate, cutting the page in half so there are two A5 rules documents:

Here’s the board. We printed this A1 and laminate

Print these character cards double-sided in colour A4 and laminate. They look weird because it half the page is white, but you just cut out the character card and throw out the rest:

Print these fortune cards also A4 colour double sided and laminate:

This is the Knowledge Chronicle… Print A4 double-sided as a booklet, so it comes out as A5 when folded. One for each player (about 5-6 to a game):