
FaithBuilders is a religious studies game where students learn about world religions while engaging with spiritual and ethical problems, as they play the role of various leaders of world religions.

(all PPF passwords on this site = lawless)

Here are the rules of the game:

Here is the board:

And here is the image file for that board. I printed it colour A1 and then glued it onto a wooden board:

Here are the fact sheets. Print out and give a copy to each student. This is what they have to memorise to do well in the game:

Here are the challenge cards… Print double-sided A4 colour and laminate them:

And finally, here are the question cards… again print double-sided A4 colour and laminate (or to be more environmentally friendly, print on cardboard (e.g. 200gsm) rather than laminate:

Learn lots and have fun!